These are armies etc I'd currently like to have, but I am already over-shadowed by a towering lead mountain and these days have very little time to do any painting. I should instead probably spend time on de-cluttering.
Ancients (To the Strongest, 28mm)
Early Byzantines
Dark Ages (Dux Bellorum/Fantastic Battles, 10mm)
Sub-Roman British, Anglo-Saxons and others. If I did go ahead with this I would definitely now use 10mm figures and put them on 40mm square bases.
Renaissance (Irregular Wars: Conflict at the World's End, 15mm)
There are some additional armies that interest me, but I need to finish - or even start - my Irish, English and Spanish intervention and Samurai armies first:
- Barbary Pirates (Berber list). These raided the coasts of Britain and Ireland so can be exotic opponents for my English and Irish armies.
- Moghul-Rajput Wars, because I like elephants.
Nineteenth Century Continental (Bloody Big Battles!, 6mm on 1" bases)
- French, Austrians, Prussians.
Nineteenth Century Colonial (The Men Who Would Be Kings, 28mm)
- Boshin War.
- Abyssinians (for Egyptian-Ethiopian War 1874-6).
Twentieth Century
- 1940 Germans, French and British (Chain of Command, 28mm)
- WW2 Japanese (Crossfire, 15mm).
- Mexican Revolution (TMWWBK, 15mm, 3/2/1 basing)
Fantasy (Dragon Rampant, 28mm)
- Revenants.
- Prehistoric.
- Celtic Myth Barbarians.
- Spanish Armada (skirmish level) - 1/600 - Galleys & Galleons.
- Anglo-Dutch Wars Naval - 1/4800 - General-at-Sea.
23 October 2022