
Monday, 31 October 2016

Gruntz 15mm: The first two factions

I've now collected two factions for my near-future forces for Gruntz 15mm.

The first is a hi-tech interventionist force  ('The Coallition'). They are almost all GZG and will be sand-coloured like the Gulf War allies. Some assets such as the power-armoured squad will be finished in blue-grey or some other neutral colour so they can fight for any faction if that's the way I want to use them.

The Sand faction: Grav IFVs, Grav MBT, Grav Command vehicle, Gruntz squads including squad leaders, SAWs and LAWs, Grav bikes. All models are GZG.
Grav drones, Sand commander, Spider droids, Power-Armour squad. All models are GZG except for the Power-Armour squad which is Brigade Miniatures.
The Gruntz are GZG's UNSC Light Infantry. Command vehicles provide command and control benefits additional to the powers of the Commanders. I'd like to organise the grav drones and probably the grav bikes and spider droids as if they were Gruntz squads rather than having to track them as individual units. This was discussed on the Gruntz Forum but requires further research with regard to costing etc.

The second is a mostly mid-tech force ('RussFed') and will be finished in green.  They are mainly ArmiesArmy Insurgents and represent a near-future version of the Russian forces which have been operating in the Eastern Ukraine. While technically not as advanced they will be rated as more experienced.

Tracked IFVs, tracked MBT, tracked Command vehicle, HMG, Commander, Gruntz including Squad leaders, LAWS, and SAWs, VTOL gunship, and Mecha. The last two are GZG. The rest are all ArmiesArmy.
Constructing the Mecha so that it stood in an animated stance was quite fun. The AA vehicles are part resin which makes them substantially lighter than the GZG ones. They also required less cleaning up. Almost everything was assembled with superglue apart from the arms of the Brigade Models figures which required epoxy resin.

The GZG and ArmiesArmy infantry are a good scale match for each other.


  1. Excellent project...will be watching this one!

    1. A little out of character for me, but I felt it was time for something different. I go for relatively offbeat stuff but even then historicals can get a little predictable.

  2. Nice choice of forces. Looking forward to seeing them painted up.

    1. Some SF fans might prefer something more fantastical, but it reflects my background in historical gaming.

    2. I'm waiting for a truly alien force that doesn't look like a human in a rubber suit or some variation on the Alien. Not bipedal would be a start. Until then I'm happy with future human wars.

    3. Interesting. I haven't begun to think about aliens. I have read some SF. The book that interested me most was Asimov's Foundation Trilogy which of course is all inter-human.

    4. Dorsai, Hammer's Slammers, Codominium and the Forever War were all big influences for me. More recently Armor and Embedded have proven interesting if somewhat lacking in the writing department. Starship Troopers must be mentioned and I very much liked the Bug Wars which featured Lizards fighting armed intelligent insects.

      Still, I am most comfortable with human future wars.

    5. I read some of those during an earlier phase of SF wargaming enthusiasm. At that time I collected quite a lot of 6mm stuff with the intention of playing Future War Commander. I need to catch up on the newer titles.
