
Monday, 24 October 2016

10mm Seven Years War progress 2

Old Fritz
The first step after PVAing the figures to the combination MDF and steel bases was to texture the bases. I used a cocktail stick to apply PVA not only to the MDF surface but also onto the figure bases and around the figures' ankles. This is essential to hide the figure bases. I then poured over a mixture of bird sand and model railway ballast, shook it off, and repeated the application. (For 15mm figures I build up the bases with filler and then apply PVA. For 6mm figures I use bird sand without the ballast.)
As the figures for this project are packed very closely together, it wasn't possible to get right to the centre of the bases. This doesn't matter as this area will end up dark brown representing deep shadow.

With the figures so tightly packed, the ArmyPainter spray undercoat (Leather Brown) also didn't get between the figures too well so I had to  go over them with a generous wash of matching AP bottle paint.

A unit of Prussian Musketeers based, textured and undercoated.
I thought I'd have to add some coat colours before rendering the figures distinguishable and thus usable on the table, but I've now added temporary labels to tell the armies apart and to keep the appropriate bases in each unit together. I'm very glad I've never dropped these or muddled them up as it would have been a very tedious job to distinguish, for example,  Prussian, Austrian and Hungarian line infantry.

The unit duly identified from the rear.
For the benefit of those who haven't seen earlier postings, these are 10mm Pendraken figures for use with Maurice or maybe Might & Reason.


  1. Very interested in this. I note your 27th July post on basing 10mm ACW before painting left you with some reservations about that practice (though I thought that Union stand looked very nice) - did the final result convince you.

    I think if I based and then painted, it might encourage me more to get units actually done.

    1. You're absolutely right. The ACW experience did put me off the idea of basing before painting. However, the SYW figures are almost all in the same stance so it should be much easier to run a brush along them. I'm also going to be more ruthless about ignoring the inner surfaces. This will either be OK or a total disaster! Time will tell.

    2. Now I am really really interested :-)

  2. I would paint 10mm figures on a painting stick, varnish them, then stick them to a base. Then I would add coloured Vallejo pumice gel to base with an old brush. You can them flock, tuft or whatever.
    However each unto their own, am interested how this turns out.

    1. I've done that as well! But this approach allows you to play with the figures straight away...I haven't used pumice gel before, but I've just bought some for my SF forces.

  3. Love your post. I've been painting 10mm figures for a few years both the strips and single figures. I paint them before I base them. Popsicle sticks work great for this and allows me to paint by unit.

    1. If painting before basing I put figures which are in the same position (usually about 5 or 6) on a lollipop stick or spatula. Even if they are not uniformed, it helps me find the surfaces and details to paint.

  4. Looking forward to seeing how this project progresses. Cheers Jimbo

    1. I hope we all live long enough to see it completed! I've promised to do a bit more each time the armies are used, and I will post pictures here as things progress.
