
Tuesday, 27 December 2022

 2022 Roundup

One of many additions to my
library of books I have no
time to read...

2022 has been almost exclusively a year of playing To the Strongest! and I happily achieved more than I expected. I reorganised and supplemented my old 15mm Ancients and Medievals and played quite a few games with my friend, Ian, in 6mm, 15mm and 28mm, but we weren't able to lure in any other club members. (It's a small club, DBA 2.0 is well established and people like playing Lion Rampant, as do I.)

I also dug out my old 25mm Sassanids for future TtS! consideration and accumulated some 10mm Normans which were supplemented and rebased. That project was spread over a couple of weeks and constituted my sole annual painting/modelling effort. I had planned to go to the Warfare show so I could see other people playing TtS! outside of our self-taught bubble, but that expedition fell through.

Towards the end of the year I was kindly introduced to Blucher and received my copy of Xenos Rampant. With TtS! these are areas I will be exploring next year. More details in my first post of 2023.

It's been another year in which I haven't had much time to do any reading, but my ability to buy books has never diminished. Sadly they seem to come with ever thinner and more shoddy covers.

Like the rest of my wargaming activities, my blogging is not doing much more than ticking over and this has not had a good effect on readership or interactivity.

May I wish my remaining readers a happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year! Perhaps 2023 will see more blogging activity for you?

    1. I'm hoping other areas of life will settle down and that I will have more wargaming activity to report on.
