
Thursday, 14 September 2017

Rommel: Maximum base sizes for 4" hexes?

I thought I'd better test my 40mm square basing idea more rigorously in order to ensure there is enough wiggle room when the surrounding hexes are occupied.

These are actually 40mm x 25mm bases which were surplus from another project. I'm not intending to use these as they don't have enough depth. When more than one Company occupies a hex and they attack a neighbouring hex they can easily be placed in column and pushed across the hex edge to distinguish them from non-attacking companies. There is plenty of room.

40mm x 30mm bases. Still enough room IMO.

40mm x 40mm. These are too crowded.
That conclusively establishes that if using Hexon I need to aim for 40mm x 30mm bases for optimum effect. Now the bases...

40mm x 30mm steel, 40mm x 25mm MDF. The exposed steel area on the back is for mounting a removable magnetic plastic or other label. The MDF is the old mechanically-cut variety. I would now of course use laser-cut MDF.


  1. I think 40 x 20, 25 or 30 are useful sizes with Hexon. Kallistra sell these bases in plastic. They are of course uniform and have ever so slightly rounded corners (i.e. soft corners).

    1. Years ago I used balsa or even card for bases. Now I use MDF and steel, but I've never used plastic...

  2. Only just discovered your blog. Excellent stuff! I look forward to leisurely look around.

    1. Thanks, be my guest. I don't think I've seen your blog before either. You present some superb examples of painting and modelling.

  3. I like the idea of leaving some exposed metal for a magnetic label. I might need to borrow/steal that idea from you.

    1. You're welcome. I wasn't sure how to approach this. Now it seems obvious!
