
Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Mexican Revolution in 10mm

I have more than enough stuff to paint at the moment, but I recently picked up a copy of Villa And Zapata: A Biography of the Mexican Revolution by Frank McLynn so I thought I'd post something about my potential future Mexican Revolution project.

I already had the Osprey title The Mexican Revolution 1910-20 by Philip Jowett and Alejandro de Quesada. There are many general histories about the Mexican Revolution but McLynn's book looked very readable.

My interest was originally prompted by seeing the respective army lists in the Square Bashing rules but I didn't want to commit to full-sized SB armies.

However,  I subsequently discovered Red Actions which I think could work well. If not, I would still plan armies on that scale of game,  i. e. a few units per side, each of about five bases with various supports. In RA the units would be companies and the bases platoons, but under other rules the units could higher or lower level formations.

SCW Andaluz Militia
This would definitely be a 10mm project. Although there are no dedicated ranges in that scale, the Revolutionaries can be recruited from Pendraken Boers and Spanish Civil War Andaluz Militia (right), and the Federales from Russo-Japanese War Japanese. Nevertheless, there are some bits and pieces missing (Revolutionary HMGs and artillerymen) and it would be nice to see some dedicated figures.

I would put the figures on 30mm square bases to be consistent with my other 10mm 20thC armies, but whereas my 1918 and WW2 infantry are mounted 3 to a base, I would  probably do 1914 and earlier armies 4-up.


  1. Best of luck with your project. I have always found the Mexican Revolution fascinating and a great subject for fun and wild scenarios for wargaming.
    Some years back I took the plunge and bought OG 25mms and have quite large size armies. I have used as rules Contemptible Little Armies by Chris Peers and my own made up ones.

    1. It was a cruel war but in wargaming terms a great spectacle and an interesting mixture of technologies.

      I won't be able to start this project till next year at the earliest, and there are other contenders for my attention. Hopefully some more figures might become available in the meantime.

  2. This is something I thought of but then moved away from because of the lack of figures. There's is definite gap for a dedicated 10mm range.

    1. It has been discussed on the Pendraken forum, but I don't know where it falls in the list of requests.
