
Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Head torch

After the age of 40 painting miniatures becomes increasingly difficult because of growing long-sightedness. The need to get reading glasses, adjust glasses or use magnification will depend on the individual, but one thing we can all benefit from is good lighting.

Until now I've relied on daylight and desk lamps but I was given an LED head torch as a Christmas present and it's brilliant for literally 'spotlighting the work in hand'. This has transformed my painting life. Thank you!


  1. Genius...I really need one of those!

    Thanks for the tip.

    1. Two thoughts strike me in retrospect: why didn't I think of this before, and how did I manage without it?

  2. I have a head torch. Very handy for rummaging in the dark garage.

    For painting I have a modelling lamp with magnifying glass built in. Something I picked up post-40. :)

    1. I've tried using a magnifying glass but have never felt comfortable with it. I find it hard to judge the brush movements. Perhaps I should persist. Can you recommend any particular illuminated magnifier?
