


6mm Thirty Years War

6mm Thirty Years War Swedish and Catholic/Imperialist armies for Tilly's Very Bad Day.

These are ready to use but aren't finished.

25/28mm and 15mm Rampant games

28mm warbands for Dragon Rampant including Elves, Orcs, Goblins, Halflings, Aegean Bronze Age, North European Bronze Age, Men of the North, Feudals and Arthurian Romance. These are based and can be used, but playing with unpainted figures looks ugly so I promise to paint each warband some more before bringing onto a table again.

28mm Border Reivers and circa 1671 Buccaneers and Spanish for The Pikeman's Lament. The Reivers are based, undercoated and have been given a base colour. The 1671 figures are based and filler has been added to level them off.

28mm 1798 Irish Rebels and Militia for Rebels and Patriots. These are now part-painted. 

28mm Russian Civil War for The Men Who Would Be Kings. These have been cleaned up and mounted on bases.

Paint 28mm ACW Confederate cavalry and artillery and additional infantry for Rebels and Patriots.

Minor repairs to 28mm Zulus.

Paint additional 25mm Dark Age figures. Draw designs on blank 25mm Dark Age flags.

Complete 28mm Zulu War, 25mm Dark Age, 28mm Late Medieval, 28mm AWI and 28mm ACW bases.

Paint 15mm Sci-Fi for Xenos Rampant.

Paint additional 28mm Pathans for The Men Who Would Be Kings.

28mm WW2 for Chain of Command

28mm WW2 Ardennes US and Germans. These are based and undercoated. They need painting but my priority is to make some 'spindly' hedges, and make up some MDF building kits so I can start playing.


Texture rebased 10/15mm trees.
Correct funnels on 1/600 ACW ironclads.
Plan storage for 1/600 ACW ironclads.
15mm Elizabethan English, Irish and Spanish armies for Irregular Wars.
15mm Samurai armies for Irregular Wars.
10mm Chinese Warlord armies for Red Actions.
6mm 19thC German, French and Austrian armies for Bloody Big Battles!
10mm Seven Years War Prussians and Austrians for Maurice.

1 January 2024